Third-Party Event

CSO Look Around

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CSO Look Around

Aug 3rd
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
CSO Look Around


Inspired by the native northern mockingbird's ability to listen and learn from others, CSO Look Around asks how we can better see one another and our city.


What’s Interesting:

  • A musical meditation, a celebratory parade, and an enveloping musical experience all wrapped into one.
  • The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, along with 30 local groups including choirs, instrumental ensembles and dancers, create a musical event extending from Ziegler Park to Washington Park.
  • The title of this event is borrowed from a poem entitled "Lost Generation" by Cincinnati artist Siri Imani.
  • Performing music co-created with composer Shara Nova and with direction by Mark DeChiazza, artists and audience become one as they move throughout the neighborhood, inviting friends and neighbors to join in, simply listen, or...look around.
  • No tickets are required. How you choose to experience the event is up to you.